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Agriculture is the backbone of our nation

The least observed part of the pandemic is this. No newspaper no television brought out this to the less observant.

We never valued agriculture because no one had rated it to touch the peak and stay there. Farmers have always been altruistic humans; they never knew how humongous the population they were serving from time immemorial. Savvy says “At the end, the number says it all”. The number said but we were all volunteered to be deaf. The least you considered it gave us the most it can even we were 3 feet apart. GDP of the Industry sector is $560.97 billion and the world rank is 6. In the Services sector, India's world rank is 8 and its GDP is $1500 billion. The contribution of the Agriculture sector in the Indian economy is much higher than the world's average (6.4%). This year it’s even higher because the growth has dropped drastically hangs holding 0 touching the -10 feet.

Credits: Global Economy

We were not adequately prepared to deal with chaos however agriculture proved itself as a helping hand during this combat. Farming is reliable to its full potential to aid the economy from totally dropping off.


Currently where we are....?

Pre-Independence South India was full of greeneries and literally, nil buildings were constructed in reach of sight. Tons and Tons were produced which made agriculture high in reliability and guaranteed food in plate building resilience for zero hunger. Do we really know the numbers of how much imports have been done for decades?? India imports vegetables worth around 55 billion every year. Export volume, however, is negligible. According to the Regional Plant Quarantine at Gadda Chauki, potatoes worth 370 million is imported on an annual basis. Green vegetable imports stand at around 180 million. The new act implemented, says gov would import unprocessed edibles to equate the demand and supply for price regulation if the market peaks it up. Why can’t govt render on advancements in agriculture promote products which will surely benefit in tax because food demand never drops as the population Y-O-Y is always high?? Won't that be a central’s revenue?

What's the chaos between farmers and the Government ???

The recent acts in which all seem to be aiding but the clear information isn’t passed down to the end. Farmers can retain seeds for personal purposes or for genetic preservation, but an insatiable mind never sleeps with tons of rice in wooden biros which can make money in seconds.

Why the govt made the commodity to be traded privately?? 

Are we out of money to fund APMC. MSP still holds, no farmer is deceived in the case of direct sale i.e., no intervening of govt.

How can agriculture support other sectors ??

       High Productivity has been witnessed, how can farming alone do this?? The sale of tractors has surged that’s a historical sale of 10% (5,322 units in July) compared to the previous year. Tractor companies are ready with their machined lined up for sale.

Like food inflation, the development also ensures any other sector gets benefitted. Mediators to connect farmers with another end of the transaction.

The fertilizer stocks have risen more than the pharma stocks which depicts fertilizers are sparingly used to boost production. Traders won’t simply tap chemical stocks to make a profit more to say they have less volatility compared to tech and FMCG stocks, it’s obvious that the rise is pure of demand and supply match.


The idea is to cut the cost of intermediation…. The platform would seek to bring about transparency and cut through middlemen by allowing sale through this platform,” a senior finance ministry official told ET. The difference in the price of the wholesale and retail vegetable market means the produces are passing under too many hands before the customer receives. The prices rise because of intermediaries spending on license and have to undergo procedures before shuffling, the spending is meager because of reduced actions.  


Backbone is at it's utmost resilience to any external harm. The proof is all that you have read scrolling down. Backbone will never fail on serving its purpose, bending, buckling, twisting…it erects after and during every impact.

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